Kitchen Haiku

Hungry teenagers:
Spurn gourmet, demand junk food.
I weep as I cook.

Keep your head down low
Get outside quick and breathe deep
Dad’s frying chillies

Would it count towards
My five a day, if I ate

Dishwasher broken!
Husband! Disembowel it!
Mend it or wash up!

[2 hours later]

Bother Drat Bother
Dishwasher completely dead
Guests come tomorrow

Exotic cuisine
Without right ingredients:
Optimistic Dad

The scent of orange,
Cherries and almond essence
Recall Gran’s kitchen

Tell me to do it
To cook just like your mother
And I’ll add hemlock


Copyright 2016 by Paula Harmon. All rights belong to the author and material may not be copied without the author’s express permission

3 thoughts on “Kitchen Haiku

  1. Sounds like a bad day. Just remember all wine used in the sauce has to be sampled first. After the second bottle you’ll be surprised how good junk food tastes when all else fails. 😀

    1. This was a prompt on Writers’ Soapbox. It was great fun. It’s all true of course, especially my Dad trying exotic food without the right ingredients and my grandmother’s lovely cooking. (I’ll remember the tip about the wine of course!)

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